Whether you are looking to update historic windows or want to install more energy efficient windows, the task of carrying out a window replacement can seem overwhelming. But, it’s a surprisingly straightforward process. Most reputable remodeling companies do everything they can to minimize stress and streamline the window replacement process for customers.

That said, Baltimore homeowners will need to take a few steps to plan for their window installation. ACM Window and Door Design has put together a quick guide to help you navigate this home remodeling project with ease.

Find a Trustworthy Window Installer

The first step is to find a window installation company to do the job for you. While knowledgeable homeowners may be able to replace a window, it is a challenge. Trying to replace an entire houseful of windows could take far longer than necessary. Homeowners could also overlook signs of rot or other damage that an experience contractor will catch during the window replacement.

It can take up to eight weeks for the manufacturer to complete an order for custom windows, so start looking for a window installer early. March or April is the ideal time to get a contractor locked in who can take the necessary measurements and place your window order.

We recommend finding a contractor who is licensed in the state of Maryland, has references you can check, and who offers free cost estimates for your new windows. By the way, ACM Window and Door has:

  • BBB-Accreditation
  • Lead-Safe EPA Certification
  • Licensing and Insurance Coverage
  • Exceptional Customer Reviews

Prepare Your Home Before the Installation Appointment

When your windows are ready, the contractor will call you or send a letter to notify you of the installation appointment date. They should also tell you how to prepare for the appointment, but here is a list of what to do and what you can expect.

  • Clear a Path: Start by clearing a path to all the windows in your home. You may also want to make sure there are no obstructions around the outside of your home too.
  • Clear Tables: Remove small objects and knick-knacks from the tables and windowsills. You don’t want these items to be damaged by accident.
  • Be Ready for Dust: Replacing windows is a dusty, dirty business. Consider putting tarps over furniture in the rooms. However, your contractor should also bring tarps and drop cloths to put down too.
  • Make Arrangements: Consider sending the kids and any pets to a relative’s house for the day. This will keep naturally curious family members from bothering your contractors and take some stress off your shoulders too.

If you would like to get a free window installation quote from ACM Window and Door Design, give us a call today. We’ll be happy to set up a consultation with one of our specialists to discuss installing quality MARVIN windows in Baltimore, MD. We can also offer estimates using our visual quoter via your smartphone!